Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 Down 2 to go

The christmas suprises started early for our little family, we found out that Molly was to become a big sister in August next year. Then it was onto surviving the 4 christmas's yet to come.

We have sucessfully survived two christmas's now there are only two more to go, Molly has had the best first christmas that any child on the planet could wish for. She thought it was the funniest thing waking up and being taken out into the lounge room and sat in the middle of all her presents. She sat staring at all the paper than when daddy helped her to unwrap a few she got really excited because she was allowed the paper. After Molly opened all her Santa presents we went to see NanJ, Scott, Aunty Lara and GG for breakfast. Molly was so good she helped everyone to unwrap their presents and enjoyed having a play outside with Aunty Lara. After Breakfast we went out and saw Nan R and Pop and had a beautiful lunch and played with them for a few hours. While Molly had her Nanna nap Dan and I went out to pick up Peter and Liz, We then went back to Nan R's house and saw Aunty Bec, Jack and Stuart we sat in the lounge and exchanged the gifts and had another huge meal for dinner. A few days after we went down to Bemboka and saw Nan and Pop B, Molly and Jack got into some mischef while all the adults were busy for a minute and had unwrapped another present that didnt really belong to them from under the tree. In the afternoon we all went to the river to have a nice cooling swim. Dan found a turtle in the river so we decided to show Jack who was very excited to see the turtle.

Mollys Favourtie thing about christmas in Bemboka is that she could fit in Nans sink and have a quick splash to cool down

Thursday, December 11, 2008

To the shops we go again

Yesterday was a very busy day, first mummy went out to Nan R's and Pops to get Aunty Erins car so she could take it the the locksmiths so that we could lock the car again, She then picked up then she took Erin to work and then picked up daddy and me, then dropped Natasha off at her new job in Queanbyan and then we took the car to the locksmiths and waited around Belconnen for an hour, which was good because I got a new toy from the toy shop. After we fixed Aunty Erins car we picked up pop from work, and took him back to Nans house. After we dropped Pop off we picked up Uncle Mike and we all went to drop daddy off at work and did a little grocery shop. After our grocery shopping we came back to Nans house and I had a big afternoon nap ( I dont generally sleep for that long in the afternoon) Mummy went and picked up Aunty Erin from work adn on their way home they discovered that Aunty Erins car was really broken, so Pop and Mummy ran around trying to find out if the mechanic could fix her car. Aunty Erin borrowed mummy car and went out as she had already planned to go tot the movies with her friends ( tickets already paid for so she had to go), while Aunty Erin went out Pop and Mummy took her car to the mechanic. After we got back from the mechanic Uncle Mike and mummy cooked 3 pizzas for every one, while we ate our pizza( I had lamb and veggies, not to impressed) we all sat and watched a movie ("Wanted" - highly recommend this film as it keeps you guessing right up until the last few minutes).

I thought wow that was a really huge day but mummy was hiding more for tomorrow,

so I continue my story,

This morning I woke up around 9am and I thought that was great as I had slept for just over 9 hours. When mummy came in to get me I was ready with my brightest smile ever. She then got me dressed, she then took me out into the lounge room where Aunty Erin and Daddy were waiting to see me, i thought this couldnt get any better until daddy gave me my morning bottle. I got to watch Playschool (my favourite show) and then mummy and daddy took me to the clinic. Everything was going along very normal, daddy took Aunty Erin to school so that she could get her report card ( which she aced, go Aunty Erin your very smart), When daddy got back to the clinic mummy and I were just about to go into the nurse. I began to get a little worried as this isnt what we usually do at the clinic, Mummy took my pants off and before I knew it the nurse had jabbed my leg with a needle( I let her know exactly what I thought) and then she jabbed me in my other leg ( 6 month injections suck). After my needles the nurse weighed me, (I now weigh a healthy 6.655 kg), We went and picked Aunty Erin up from school and we all went home for a big Nanna nap( well I did), at 2pm I woke up and had 2 bottles as I was extremely thirsty, after my bottles we got in the car and drove daddy to work, after I said goodbye to daddy we took Aunty Erin home to her house and I have had two big sleeps this afternoon,

I think I am very tired and I will say good bye now and go to bed.


p.s sorry we had to bail on the christmas carols at the war memorial tonight it is just to wet and cold for little girls to be going out. I think when I wake up mummy and I might just sit and watch a nice Hi - 5 movie all about christmas.

The christening Photos

Mummy would like to say a big sorry she forgot to add the link so that you can see the photos that we have of my christening. She would also like to ask if anyone else has more photos could you please send them to us as we only have a limited number of good photos.

Well mummy has now put the link through so click on our photo to see the rest when your ready...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Today I went to the clinic and had my 6 month check done, and the midwife is extremely happy. I have gained 205 grams since Friday which the midwife was suprised at as she was the one to weigh me on friday and then again today. I am now in the 40th pertenctile for my weight and my soft spot is growing over very nicely. The midwife is extremely happy with my new routine that mummy and her worked out for me. The midwife thinks that I didnt put on much weight as it was just my body adjusting to having the new solids that mummy is now giving me.

My new routine is

8am: Wake up and have a bottle and tummy time with daddy.

9:30am: Go back to bed for my morning nap

12pm: Wake up and have Lunch (usually some pureed fruit and Juice)
Sitting alone play with my toys, tummy time and music

2:30pm Go to bed for afternoon nap

6pm: Wake up, bath time, Dinner ( Mooshed up vergies and a Bottle),

7pm: Bed

10pm: wake up, Bottle and Block play

11:30pm: Bottle and bed

and then we start our day all over again,

even though some days due to exciting new things eg the christmas tree lighting mummy and I try to stick to the routine as much as possible, Mummy would like to thank everyone who has given her all the great advice about rasing such a young child. If anyone out there has found a really good reciepe for baby moosh please leave the reciepe or the website for the reciepe in the comments, as mummy would like to try a few new reciepes so I get a range of healthy meals.
Here is a short video of Molly dancing at the christmas carols, as you can see she really enjoyed herself

On Saturday night Mummy, Daddy and Uncle Mike took me to the lighting of the christmas tree in Canberra. I got the wear my new santa hat and I tried to sing the carols like everyone else. I stayed up very late and then finally fell asleep in the car half way home. I thought seeing Santa was the best thing ever. Uncle Mike helped me to see over all the tall people that stood up while the lights on the tree were turned on. Mummy and I are planning to go to the carols at the war memorial on Friday night and Mummy says if I'm a good girl Santa will probably come for a visit there too. You can see all the photos from the christmas tree lighting by clicking on the photo of Uncle Mike and I.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Today I met Santa, and I didnt cry, I thought Santa was just the greatest.
After we saw Santa mummy and I went out to Nan Rs house and we helped uncle Mike to make this cool christmas train.

Uncle Mike and Pop designed this part all by themselves.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home made Lamb and Veg

This afternoon mummy had a go at making me some baby moosh using her magic bullet and a reciepe she found on the internet. Mummy thought she did a good job but I beg to differ,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wow all done

Well the christening is over, back to normal life now but first we all would like to say a huge Thank you to everyone that came and helped us to celebrate molly with us. It was a wonderful day Molly did extremely well, she was the only baby to have a little cry, but thats because mummy didnt put her down for nap time as the ceremony was at nap time. Most of the guests that attened the church came bak to nan and pops house. It was extremely hot but very nice. A huge thank you to Aunty Liz who helped us with the setting up and then the clean up. It was wonderful to see everyone that we havent been able to see for a while again. Mummy has put a new web album of some of her favourtie pictures on so please have a look because Molly just looks so cute.

Once again a huge Thanks to everyone that helps us to make Mollys day extra special

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I thought this week would never end

This week has had to be the worst week that we have had. First the car broke, so I took it to a mechanic and got told that nothing was wrong with it so I took the car to a second mechanic who looked at it and told me I would need a new radiator. $350 and 4 days later I have a sort of working car. As I was getting over the stress of a broken car that is looking more like a $2000 job rather than my $500 you need brakes and tyres job. Molly has decided that this would be a good time to start cutting her second tooth even though the first hasn't finished. So Molly has been blocked up for the last three days, with temps going up and down the whole time. It has been a great experience for us as new parents. I love my new job as a mum but I will definatly next time read the fine print.

Finally bring the angel she is. Its tough being a baby.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh what a day

Today we went to the clinic and I got weighed. I now weigh the grand total off 5.910kg and I'm 61cm in length. Mummy was very happy, and took me to the shops with Aunty Liz and we brought a new pillow and got one of mummys laybys off but I don't know what was in the big bags. I also tried real mashedd potato,pumpkin and beef, I really loved it. It was a big day and I slept from 6pm until 10pm. which gave mummy some time to clean up and have dinner, Mummy said she really enjoyed the quiet time.

Well I have to got as I am really hungry and need mummy to give me a bottle but I will tell her to write some more later.

Lots of Love Molly

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

But wait theres more...

Oh what a fornight and its not over. Sorry about not keeping Mollys blog updated but we have been madly trying to organise her christening.We missed one week of going to the clinic so last friday we went and Molly is now 5.735kg and now 60cm long.

Mollys other big first this past fortnight was her first taste of Farex baby rice cereal, It was very funny because at first she wasnt sure (as seen in the video) but after the first few spoonfuls Molly loved it.

Well on saturday Nan J came over to our house and helped us to put in a new garden. Molly had a great time helping by kicking the dirty around the garden bed. A big thank you to Nan J for all her help. Then on Saturday night we all went out for Aunty Ali's birthday. Mummy was extremely relieved that the party came as this is the reaction that we received when we told Molly about the party: Watch the video

On Sunday night Molly had her first big all night sleep in her own room in her big bed.We were both proud of our little girl as she is now showing signs of becoming a big girl.

We are all very excited that Mollys Grand Uncle Barry and Grand Aunty Dehlia from Sydney are coming down this weekend so expect a lot more photos.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Congratulations Aunty Ali and Uncle Jason

Tonight we found out that Uncle Jason asked Aunty Ali to become his wife. Upon finding out Molly got every excited so we tried to get a movie of her excitement but once the camera came out she calmed down a bit but still had things to say to Aunty Ali and Uncle Jason,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This week I got my 4 month injections and they really hurt. I now weigh in at 5.245 kg which mummy says is a sack of potatoes and 2 bananas. I then went to Sydney for the day on Saturday with everyone. I met my great grandma on my pops side. It was lots of fun because I also met my 2nd cousins Tara and Kasey. I went to the beach which is just down the road from their house. Mummy took me in the water and I thought it was very funny when the waves splashed my feet back. I laughed alot. Aunty Erin and Mummy got soaked through to the bone beacuse the waves kept splashing them while they tried to help me stand in the water and have a little splash around. Daddy got a little bit wet because I kicked the water while he was squating down to take my photo. I luaghed and squealled as he jumped up trying to get away. I had a great day I cant wait to go again. When we got home I showed mummy and daddy a new trick I have learnt........................... I can put my own dummy in! Aren't I smart.

Well I better go as I have to have a bath before dinner. So bye bye for now XOX

Friday, October 3, 2008

5 kilos and gaining

We went to the clinic yesterday and Molly is finally just over 5 kilos. She is 5.105 to be exact. We are now putting Molly into a new routine, the new routine has been designed by Susan and myself and now all we have to do is stick to it as much as possible that, Susan thinks that this should help her alot more, and sticking to the new routine shouldnt be so hard now Aunty Erin has her licence and can do most of the running around for the kids. Molly is now having a little drink of water if she needs it, and has moved on from the three scoops of formula in her bottle to 4 and in a week she can move up to the 5 scoops. Molly has been sleeping pretty much through the night, she now sleeps from 12am to 6am, she then has a drink and a bottle and then she likes to have quiet play with mummy for 20 minutes and then its back to bed for two hours. Molly keeps rotating her eat, play, sleep routine every 2 hours which is nice, because that allows mummy to do so much more.

Anyways its time for mummy to make the bottle because my two hours is up so I will post more later.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daddys on the blog!!! HaHaHa

The question that I have been pondering lately is how do you pick who should be your babies godparents. So far we have picked one set that have never said or done anything to upset or personally hurt us. We thought we had another set but due to recent events and constant bullying, I have had to re-evaluate my choice of person(s), and the possibility that I now want to uninvite them. So I have now come to my conundrum who do I pick? My ideal person(s) would be encouraging, supportive, NICE and doesnt bully or backstab anyone. So you would think that was an easy thing to find. At the moment I am considering friends over family as I think it would be a better upbringing for my daughter, and my friends havent backstabbed me in the past unlike some family members. I dont like being told "I'm neglecting my daughter" or that "I am a bad parent" especially when as every new parent knows you still have training wheels (And no there is no right or wrong way to raise your child and no book can tell you how to do it, its all trial and error)
All babies are different and grow in their own time, girls take longer to get larger than boys do, and can be temprememtal. Molly is incrediably active and intellegent for a 3 month old and ALL THE DOCTORS AGREE SHES FINE AND HEALTHY!!!
It just really gets my goat when people tell all their friends I'm neglecting my daughter and constantly bully me to make themselves feel better.

Anyway I've had my say. So untill next time Goodbye everyone out there in blogger landand.

From Daddy
Bye Bye

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Aunty Zoes visit

Aunty Zoe has come up for the first week of school holidays and we have had so much fun. We went to the war memorial and to floriade and I have heaps of really good photos now. You can veiw the rest of my floriade photos here

Monday, September 15, 2008

On Saturday mummy and I went down to Bega again to watch my second cousin Matthew play in the hockey grand finals. We got there 5 minutes before Matthews B grade final finished, Matthews team won, very one was very excited. At three o'clock we watched Matthew play for the mens team, Matthew scored one goal and that won the game, we all jumped up and down yelling "go Candelo".

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh what a feeling!

Molly has finally had a good weight gain, 365g in a week. What a relief.

The last couple weeks have had to be the worst couple of weeks I have ever lived my stress levels going through the roof, constant worring and a whole heap of self doubt.

Molly has had me up most nights worrying about her, Is she going to start putting on weight? is she seriously ill and i dont know it. Am i doing everything wrong? and general questions like that.

I am so happy that I have a really loving supportive family that all live so close by. It has really helped getting give time tested advice about everything, from who to call and what different things they have tried and have found they have worked. I have found that calling Parentline (62058800) when it just got to much and I didnt know what else to do and it was midnight that they were there to talk to. They are so supportive and non judgemental that they really did save me.

The one thing that has suprised me the most these last couple of weeks are the people that either don't have kids or didn't want me to have a baby giving their opinions. Its really hurtful and not helpful, when as a young mum stressing and worring about everything, some one implies to them and everyone around that they are a bad mother and are doing everything wrong. When all the new mum really needs a kind word or some words of encouragement.

Oh well I guess everyone has those types of people, the best piece of advice that parentline gave me is you can LISTEN to someone and you can HEAR someone. If someone is trying to say things that aren't going to help just hear them, but when someone is trying to tell you useful and helpful information that is the time to listen.

well my time is up, Molly needs a bath etc, I'll update again soon

bye blogger world.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm Ready to go Aunty Bec

On fathers day mummy and I went to Cooma in the morning to drop Aunty Zoe off at home as she came to stay at our house for the weekend. On our way back we stopped at Nan R and Pops house so that mummy could have a quick break. Aunty Bec and Jack were at their house for pops fathers day lunch, when it was time for aunty Bec to go she tried very hard to hide me in her car so I could go and stay at her house. At 7pm Pop and Nan R and the kids came to our house for dinner. Mummy cooked Prawns and chips for nibblies when they arrived, and served slow cooked beef strogginoff for dinner. Uncle Mike brought cheese cake and Chocolate cake for dessert. Very one had a very enjoyable day. We have decided to have Fathers Day this Friday as daddy had to work on Fathers Day. More Photos of Pops Day here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mummy has a new love the T.V, at dinner tonight with Nan R and Pop we noticed that spider monkey and Pop have the same intranced look at the box.

I made it, I made It

On Friday we went and saw our midwife and Molly is finally 4kg actually she is 4.105 kg. We were so excited that she has finally made it. We found out that Molly can now have two 180ml bottles a day, so since Friday we have been giving her the two bottles. The midwife is hopeful that she will be around 4.4kg on this Friday when we go back, so I will update with the new information then.

Mummy break is over it seems to go so fast now...

On Saturday we went down to Bega to show daddy around mummy's home town. We stopped at the cheese factory and daddy thought that was fantastic. One the way back we stopped at nan and pops house and nan b changed my nappy and I just thought it was the best part of the day.

Mummy says check out the new photos of our big Bega visit.
Bega Visit Album

Friday, August 22, 2008

Yesterday I went to the clinic and got weighed I now weigh 3915grams and am 54 cm long. The midwife was very happy with my new weight again. Mummy was hoping for a little bit more but thats okay after we went to the doctor mummy and daddy took me for a really long walk around the block (2.7km), I slept for 2 hours when we got home. Mummy love it as she got to have a nice hot bubble bath. Mummy feels like a whole new person after her bubble bath. We all highly recommend a nice walk in the afternoon because baby sleeps for a while afterwards and mummy can enjoy some alone time. It also helps mummy destress and feel alittle refreshed.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Went to Aunty Laras school to watch her class proform at the assembly last friday. It was lots fun.
Today mummy and daddy took me to see new Parliment house with Aunty Natasha. We had lots of fun exploring all the different rooms. We loved looking at all the paintings of the old Prime Ministers. Daddy and mummy tried to leave me laying down in the pram but I told everyone in the main hall that I was not going to just lay down and miss everything. Mummy said " it was very embarassing that I chucked a tantrum until they sat me up and straped me in the pram.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Friends for dinner

This is my friend Kody he and his family came over for coffee last night.

This is Aunty lel, Uncle Dan, Kody and his big sister Astra having a group cuddle with me on the couch
Molly thought it was hilarious that mummy fell on the floor after missing the couch

We went to the clinic again to get Molly reweighed and her offical weight is 3715grams and she is 54cm long. Mummy and daddy are really happy with her weight gain and as you can see in the photo she just loved getting naked ready to be weighed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another day beings...

Well its been just under a week since we got Molly vaccinations and its been a long week. After her vaccinations she was unsettled and had a slight fever a big thank you to who ever invented baby panadol. We then stayed at home for a few days until Sunday when we went out to Nan R and Pops house for Aunty Becs birthday dinner (Molly really enjoyed the chicken and mushroom crepes). Aunty Bec brought us some baby formular so we can try and beef this light weight up. Thanks Aunty Bec. Molly took to the bottle like a duck to water. I felt a bit sad that I had to give her a comp feed of formular but I had to just remind myself that its to help her. She is going to the clinic after lunch today just to check how the weight gain is going. On Monday went went out to Nan R and Pops house for Uncle Mikes birthday. Uncle Mike used his new hotdog maker to cook us all hotdogs for dinner. Dan is at his first interveiw for the army today which is great and he got a new job at Woolworths (yippee discount on the groceries). We all went to Leslie and Kodys yesterday for a visit and Molly just loved sitting in Kodys swing, she loved talking to Kody to. They are so cute. I just love them both. I will put a photo of Kody up later after we go for lunch.

Oh well better go my break is over again Mummy duty calls (Screams)

Friday, August 8, 2008

So not a good day

Today we went to the clinic and got our injections. I think I was more worried and upset then our daughter. I think the hardest part of being a mum was to have to sit in a chair while someone jabed a needle into my baby and make her cry, I just wanted to jump out of my seat and tell the nurse to stop hurting my baby. I had to keep telling myself that it was for her own good. The only side effect so far is she is really hungry and a little unsettled. I so don't want to repeat this day but I know I will have to...

But I have two months to build up to it again... right???

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our little bundle of joy!!!


This is the very cute little face that greeted mummy and daddy at 3am this morning.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh what a feeling... ten mins to myself....

Well we are finally getting over the gastro bug that has been around our house. We have decided that we are going to be the parents that constantly get called by the school because Molly has beaten up some poor little kid. How we know this is that when we went to the shops the other day our percious little bundle made a three year old boy cry while we were changing her nappy, she made the little boy cry by pulling mean faces at him and then before mummy had the chance to move her she scratched him. Very embarrassing. On Thursday we have to go to the doctor for her two month injections, I can't believe that she is already two months. Then on Monday we have Uncle Mike and Aunty Becs birthday. I have put some of the new photos in an album in the slide show and will update with more photos later as my ten minutes of me time is up...

Oh what a life

Monday, July 21, 2008

Meeting Thomas

When we went to Aunty Liz and Uncle Peters house I met Uncle Peters son Thomas. Thomas is going to be a big brother so when it was time for my nap he helped mummy put me to sleep. I love my new friend Thomas and can't wait to play with him again.

They're Here!!!

On the weekend Nan J and Aunty Lara moved to Canberra. I helped supervise with Aunty Lara. It was very hard work, We hope Aunty Lara has a great first day at school on Monday.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Molly's First Photo Shoot

We had Molly's first ever photo shoot with her cousin today. Check out the obvious modelling talent!

Friday, July 11, 2008

5 weeks old and starting to be a big girl

Hi everyone,

This week has been very busy.
On Monday we had the day at home just chilling out watching girly t.v all day.
On Tuesday Aunty Liz and Uncle Peter came over to our house for lunch. It was very nice to see them again.
On Wednesday mummy, Aunty Erin and I went to the doctor for a check up and then we went to Jacks house for a much needed coffee and a play.
On Thursday we went out to the shops and brought a new bookself and photo frame for my room (mummy will put up new photos of my room soon).
Today mummy and daddy picked up my birth certificate, and we went shopping for a new dress and shoes for my photos tomorrow. In the afternoon we came out to nan R and Pops house and mummy put a new ablum on the net of photos with Nan J and Aunty Lara. I am very excited because its only 2 more weeks then Nan J and Aunty Lara will be living in Canberra and I can see them both lots more.

Mummy and daddy are very excited because I am now pretty much sleeping through the night. I only wake up at 12:30 am for a late night snack and then I sleep until 5:30/6:00 am. I love to have my bath in the morning just after my breakfast because daddy heats my towel so its nice and warm when I get out. I then sleep for three hours after my bath. I then wake up for Dr Phil and then go to sleep for Oprah and wake up for ready steady cook. Mummy is loving her new life with me and daddy

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Just chillin' with my cousin

Today Molly had a play date with her cousin Jack. They played together all morning and after lunch neither of them would go to sleep in their own bed and they just wanted to keep playing so we let them play for a little bit on Mollys playmat and look what happened... they tried so hard too...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Meeting Great Nan and Pop Bemboka

On Sunday we went for our first really big drive. It was great. Molly slept for most of the drive but did start to grizzle at Cooma for breakfast, then went back to sleep in the car. Molly had lots of cuddles with nan and pop, she was a very good girl. We loved looking at all the new things nan and pop have done to their house. The bathroom is newly painted and looks great . We can't wait to help put in the new lino for the kitchen. When we got home Molly slept for 3 and a half hours which mummy and daddy both really loved. We can't wait for our next big adventure.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Days Out

Here is my lil princess.
Hiding in the warmth of a canberra winter morning.
With Mum at the Pancake parlour.

Week 3 and going strong

Molly is 3 weeks old and a lot has changed in the last few weeks. Molly went to the doctor on Thursday and got a check up (nothing was wrong) she now weighs in at 4.1 kg and is 52 cm long. She was being very cute and looking around the room. The doctor was extremely happy with her development as she is tracking peoples voices when they talk to her. She is also copying peoples facial expressions which is really funny to mummy and daddy. So everything is coming along nicely.

She is slowly working out a new routine which is good as she is trying to spend longer through the day awake and sleeping through at night for longer. She has currently letting mummy and daddy get sleep in roughly 4 hour blocks and then she wakes up for 2 - 3 hours. She already knows how to throw tantrums if daddy and mummy dont get to her in the time she has alotted (roughly 5 minutes).

Last weekend -

On Saturday we went to Nan R and pops house for afternoon tea with everyone and Tina, Rebecca and Leon. Leon gave me a new toy for my pram ( it makes music which I love). We learn't that Rebecca is going to be a mummy to a new baby in December which is very exciting, I get another new friend.

On Sunday I met my Great Nan (ma) for the first time she gave me a very beautiful hand knitted blanket. After Mas' visit we went to GG's House for a visit and got a lovely suprise as Nan J and Aunty Lara had come down for a visit. Molly helped everyone to get GG's house ready for Nan J and Aunty Lara to move in. Molly made a very good supervisor (she slept while the rest of us did the work) We can't wait until they move down here so that we can see them lots more. At dinner time we left and went to Nan R and Pops house for dinner with mummies family and John and Willy. John and Willy gave mummy and daddy a big box of nappies and bags. Aren't I just the social little butterfly.

Last night we went to dinner at the pancake parlour in civic and then stopped at GG's houses and met Great Uncle Lee. When we got home Molly decided that it would be a great time to play until 2:30 in the morning she then slept until 8am which mummy and daddy were suprised at.

Today I met a new friend Kody and his big sister Astra. Kody is very cute. We both slept for our mummies but woke up when we got handed to daddy because we needed a nappy change (both mummies swear the babies were clean and sleeping when handed to the daddies)

Tomorrow we are going for a big drive to meet Great Nan and Pop on mummies side. Mummy and daddy are excited about trying the big drive. It should be okay we think as Molly likes to sleep in the car just like daddy.

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Cousin

First cousins!

Jack arrived back from his trip to the United States today.
He was very excited to meet his new cousin.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Mummy's a dead ringer to me.

This is me...

This is a picture of my mummy at around my age.

Who'd of thunk it!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I have to say sorry it does take a while to load this movie.

Day 3 - starts with a splashing good time

Molly is 3 days old and had her first bath today. It was very exciting. She just love the water being gentley splashed over her little body.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Molly has arrived and looks beautiful. 7lb 7oz. 48.5 cm. Mum, Dad and Molly are home and very tired. Pop's and Nan's are very proud.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Molly's Arrived

Molly arrived on the 6th June 2008 at 7:54am.

Weight and pictures to follow shortly.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Daddy's just over the moon about the Final count down

Daddy has finally worked out it is the final count down, and he is just over the moon about it.

Do you see what I see???

I think I can see my feet??? Nope I can't tell me if you can!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Its only 17 more days until I finally get to meet the little alien that has been taking over my mind and body. It is getting to the really exciting yet extremely boring part of the pregnancy now. I only have a small bit of advice for girls and thats when your older sister says " DONT DO IT ITS NOT FUN", you should listen to her.(sorry Bec next time I will listen to what you say) I had all these preconceived notions about pregnancy, and over the last nine months I have found that not one of them is right. On the t.v they dont show the girl having sleepless nights because you can't get comfortable or the waking up at odd hours of the night for some completely random food that sounds so good to you at the time but in reality is completely disgusting. The t.v producers don't show the boredom that sets in nearer to the finishing line, or the girl looking and feeling like a beached whale. T.V makes it look so great and its so not like that. It's all lies. On the happier side now I am close to the end which looks and feels like years away I can't help but be a little excited and scared about meeting this little person/alien. I guess she will come when she is ready... Back to waiting... hmmm... fun, fun..

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Molly sucks!

Molly has learnt to suck her thumb and she isn't even been born yet! Smart kid. Damnit.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Poppy and Nan R and Willy have a nice coffee after the clean up

Uncle Mike helped take the kids for rides around the farm
MY PRESENTS!!! Thanks Everyone.
Aunty Ali and Liz with Mummy
Mummy and Great Grandma Mawson
Rebecca and Tina

Mummy and Daddy
Aunty Bec and Jack didn't miss my big party

Daddy and Aunty Lara