Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh what a feeling... ten mins to myself....

Well we are finally getting over the gastro bug that has been around our house. We have decided that we are going to be the parents that constantly get called by the school because Molly has beaten up some poor little kid. How we know this is that when we went to the shops the other day our percious little bundle made a three year old boy cry while we were changing her nappy, she made the little boy cry by pulling mean faces at him and then before mummy had the chance to move her she scratched him. Very embarrassing. On Thursday we have to go to the doctor for her two month injections, I can't believe that she is already two months. Then on Monday we have Uncle Mike and Aunty Becs birthday. I have put some of the new photos in an album in the slide show and will update with more photos later as my ten minutes of me time is up...

Oh what a life

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