Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our first glimps of the new baby

This morning we went to the medical centre and had our first ultrasound done. It was great. Molly was screaming and kicking her legs because she wasn't allowed to lay on mummys tummy. When daddy pointed to the t.v and the new baby started to wriggle around Molly leaned forward and tried to touch the thing that was wriggling. She was looking at mummy with this look of whats that? She was so funny. The new babys expected due date is the 17th of August. Everything looks fine and is going well so far. The sonographer was very happy, the new babies heart beat is very strong and healthy. It has been a very fun day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

What a big girl

Molly 1 week old

Molly 7 months old

We were looking at some older photos of Molly and the change in her is huge. When she was first born she depended on us for everything, from moving her around from place to place so she could get her toys, to feed her her bottle when she started them and now she is so big, She is crawling around the house to find her walker and sits herself up so that we know that she wants to go in her walker. She will sit next to her walker and then cries out for dada or mum when she is ready to get in. She now sleeps through the night. Molly says 4 words dada, mum, nah and yeah. Molly now feeds herself her bottle and bath time is still her favourtie time of the day, Molly loves to try and splash and get you just as wet as she is, when she does get a reaction from you the look on her face is so cheeky that you just have to laugh. What a big year.

Its so great to look at her now and she the things she can do and all the things she is yet to do, I cant wait until we discover the next thing she can do...

I'll keep you all posted

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sorry for the major delay in uploadung our christmas photos of when Uncle B and Aunty J and their two girls came down to visit us at Nan R and Pops house. We had lost the photos and now have finally located them. Molly has had a very exciting last few weeks, She has acquired many many new toys and clothed to keep her occupied for at least the next year. We didn't realise just how much one child would recieve over the christmas period even though we knew from the very first day she was born just how loved she was. You can veiw all of Our christmas photos from the weekend that everyone came down here

Molly has been saving her pocket money for the past 5 weeks and this is her reward that she had hand picked from the shop.