Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Congratulations Aunty Ali and Uncle Jason

Tonight we found out that Uncle Jason asked Aunty Ali to become his wife. Upon finding out Molly got every excited so we tried to get a movie of her excitement but once the camera came out she calmed down a bit but still had things to say to Aunty Ali and Uncle Jason,


Jack and William's Mum said...

Just wait until she finds out there's a party involved!

Congrats Ali - it was lovely to meet you at 'godparent training.'

Luminescence said...

I cried when I saw that! Thank you Miss Molly, Daddy and Mummy.

Aunty Ali and Uncle Jase x

Luminescence said...

it was lovely to meet you too Bec and Stewart. :)