Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 Down 2 to go

The christmas suprises started early for our little family, we found out that Molly was to become a big sister in August next year. Then it was onto surviving the 4 christmas's yet to come.

We have sucessfully survived two christmas's now there are only two more to go, Molly has had the best first christmas that any child on the planet could wish for. She thought it was the funniest thing waking up and being taken out into the lounge room and sat in the middle of all her presents. She sat staring at all the paper than when daddy helped her to unwrap a few she got really excited because she was allowed the paper. After Molly opened all her Santa presents we went to see NanJ, Scott, Aunty Lara and GG for breakfast. Molly was so good she helped everyone to unwrap their presents and enjoyed having a play outside with Aunty Lara. After Breakfast we went out and saw Nan R and Pop and had a beautiful lunch and played with them for a few hours. While Molly had her Nanna nap Dan and I went out to pick up Peter and Liz, We then went back to Nan R's house and saw Aunty Bec, Jack and Stuart we sat in the lounge and exchanged the gifts and had another huge meal for dinner. A few days after we went down to Bemboka and saw Nan and Pop B, Molly and Jack got into some mischef while all the adults were busy for a minute and had unwrapped another present that didnt really belong to them from under the tree. In the afternoon we all went to the river to have a nice cooling swim. Dan found a turtle in the river so we decided to show Jack who was very excited to see the turtle.

Mollys Favourtie thing about christmas in Bemboka is that she could fit in Nans sink and have a quick splash to cool down

1 comment:

Luminescence said...

Dear Miss Molly,
Merry Christmas princess.

I had hoped to see you on Christmas Eve so we could open presents together and eat chocolate while Mummy and Daddy weren't looking!

I hope you had a delicious breakfast with Aunty Lara, GG, NanJ and Scott.

Uncle Jase and I had to go to Bathurst to see his Mummy and Daddy for christmas. We had a lovely time there but I wish I could have seen you.

I hope you like the T shirts and rompers. You're going to be a fashionable little lady.

Also, please pass on a big congratulations to Mummy and Daddy!

Don't worry, being a big sister is lots of fun coz you get to boss your other little brother or sister around! haha!

Uncle Jase and I look forward to seeing you soon so you can tell me all the gossip.

Much love princess.

Aunty Ali and Uncle Jase xoxoxoxox