Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

5 minutes alone

Sorry to everyone for not updating the blog sooner, Molly has been unwell. First she was teething she now has 2 teeth or sharpies as we have now called them, when you ask her to see her sharpies she will grab your finger, then place your finger on the sharpies, at which point she will bite you and then laugh in your face as she thinks it is the funniest thing. Last week while it was still 38 degrees we spent alot of afternoons at Nanna and Pops house in their pool. Aunty Bec taught us some things that you learn at swimming lessons and Molly thought this was great, as on the weekend when we put her in the paddling pool to cool off she decieded to try some of her new moves. Her favourite is trying to go under the water, unfortunately her pool isn't exactly as big as Nanna and Pops so she got quite frustrated with us.

Over the last few days Molly has developed a cough so we have taken her to the Phillip Medical Centre, which we now higly recommened, and deicovered that she has the beginings of Croup or as the doctor put it ( the dog cough), They have given us some medication to give Molly and she should be back to her old self in a couple of days.

I will post her progress over the next couple of days. If anyone has any ideas how we could try and cheer her up a little bit they would be greatly appreicated.

1 comment:

Luminescence said...

Dear Miss Molly,
Daddy tells me your are getting better from Croup. I hope so.

Love Aunty Ali and Uncle Jase