Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 Down 2 to go

The christmas suprises started early for our little family, we found out that Molly was to become a big sister in August next year. Then it was onto surviving the 4 christmas's yet to come.

We have sucessfully survived two christmas's now there are only two more to go, Molly has had the best first christmas that any child on the planet could wish for. She thought it was the funniest thing waking up and being taken out into the lounge room and sat in the middle of all her presents. She sat staring at all the paper than when daddy helped her to unwrap a few she got really excited because she was allowed the paper. After Molly opened all her Santa presents we went to see NanJ, Scott, Aunty Lara and GG for breakfast. Molly was so good she helped everyone to unwrap their presents and enjoyed having a play outside with Aunty Lara. After Breakfast we went out and saw Nan R and Pop and had a beautiful lunch and played with them for a few hours. While Molly had her Nanna nap Dan and I went out to pick up Peter and Liz, We then went back to Nan R's house and saw Aunty Bec, Jack and Stuart we sat in the lounge and exchanged the gifts and had another huge meal for dinner. A few days after we went down to Bemboka and saw Nan and Pop B, Molly and Jack got into some mischef while all the adults were busy for a minute and had unwrapped another present that didnt really belong to them from under the tree. In the afternoon we all went to the river to have a nice cooling swim. Dan found a turtle in the river so we decided to show Jack who was very excited to see the turtle.

Mollys Favourtie thing about christmas in Bemboka is that she could fit in Nans sink and have a quick splash to cool down

Thursday, December 11, 2008

To the shops we go again

Yesterday was a very busy day, first mummy went out to Nan R's and Pops to get Aunty Erins car so she could take it the the locksmiths so that we could lock the car again, She then picked up then she took Erin to work and then picked up daddy and me, then dropped Natasha off at her new job in Queanbyan and then we took the car to the locksmiths and waited around Belconnen for an hour, which was good because I got a new toy from the toy shop. After we fixed Aunty Erins car we picked up pop from work, and took him back to Nans house. After we dropped Pop off we picked up Uncle Mike and we all went to drop daddy off at work and did a little grocery shop. After our grocery shopping we came back to Nans house and I had a big afternoon nap ( I dont generally sleep for that long in the afternoon) Mummy went and picked up Aunty Erin from work adn on their way home they discovered that Aunty Erins car was really broken, so Pop and Mummy ran around trying to find out if the mechanic could fix her car. Aunty Erin borrowed mummy car and went out as she had already planned to go tot the movies with her friends ( tickets already paid for so she had to go), while Aunty Erin went out Pop and Mummy took her car to the mechanic. After we got back from the mechanic Uncle Mike and mummy cooked 3 pizzas for every one, while we ate our pizza( I had lamb and veggies, not to impressed) we all sat and watched a movie ("Wanted" - highly recommend this film as it keeps you guessing right up until the last few minutes).

I thought wow that was a really huge day but mummy was hiding more for tomorrow,

so I continue my story,

This morning I woke up around 9am and I thought that was great as I had slept for just over 9 hours. When mummy came in to get me I was ready with my brightest smile ever. She then got me dressed, she then took me out into the lounge room where Aunty Erin and Daddy were waiting to see me, i thought this couldnt get any better until daddy gave me my morning bottle. I got to watch Playschool (my favourite show) and then mummy and daddy took me to the clinic. Everything was going along very normal, daddy took Aunty Erin to school so that she could get her report card ( which she aced, go Aunty Erin your very smart), When daddy got back to the clinic mummy and I were just about to go into the nurse. I began to get a little worried as this isnt what we usually do at the clinic, Mummy took my pants off and before I knew it the nurse had jabbed my leg with a needle( I let her know exactly what I thought) and then she jabbed me in my other leg ( 6 month injections suck). After my needles the nurse weighed me, (I now weigh a healthy 6.655 kg), We went and picked Aunty Erin up from school and we all went home for a big Nanna nap( well I did), at 2pm I woke up and had 2 bottles as I was extremely thirsty, after my bottles we got in the car and drove daddy to work, after I said goodbye to daddy we took Aunty Erin home to her house and I have had two big sleeps this afternoon,

I think I am very tired and I will say good bye now and go to bed.


p.s sorry we had to bail on the christmas carols at the war memorial tonight it is just to wet and cold for little girls to be going out. I think when I wake up mummy and I might just sit and watch a nice Hi - 5 movie all about christmas.

The christening Photos

Mummy would like to say a big sorry she forgot to add the link so that you can see the photos that we have of my christening. She would also like to ask if anyone else has more photos could you please send them to us as we only have a limited number of good photos.

Well mummy has now put the link through so click on our photo to see the rest when your ready...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Today I went to the clinic and had my 6 month check done, and the midwife is extremely happy. I have gained 205 grams since Friday which the midwife was suprised at as she was the one to weigh me on friday and then again today. I am now in the 40th pertenctile for my weight and my soft spot is growing over very nicely. The midwife is extremely happy with my new routine that mummy and her worked out for me. The midwife thinks that I didnt put on much weight as it was just my body adjusting to having the new solids that mummy is now giving me.

My new routine is

8am: Wake up and have a bottle and tummy time with daddy.

9:30am: Go back to bed for my morning nap

12pm: Wake up and have Lunch (usually some pureed fruit and Juice)
Sitting alone play with my toys, tummy time and music

2:30pm Go to bed for afternoon nap

6pm: Wake up, bath time, Dinner ( Mooshed up vergies and a Bottle),

7pm: Bed

10pm: wake up, Bottle and Block play

11:30pm: Bottle and bed

and then we start our day all over again,

even though some days due to exciting new things eg the christmas tree lighting mummy and I try to stick to the routine as much as possible, Mummy would like to thank everyone who has given her all the great advice about rasing such a young child. If anyone out there has found a really good reciepe for baby moosh please leave the reciepe or the website for the reciepe in the comments, as mummy would like to try a few new reciepes so I get a range of healthy meals.
Here is a short video of Molly dancing at the christmas carols, as you can see she really enjoyed herself

On Saturday night Mummy, Daddy and Uncle Mike took me to the lighting of the christmas tree in Canberra. I got the wear my new santa hat and I tried to sing the carols like everyone else. I stayed up very late and then finally fell asleep in the car half way home. I thought seeing Santa was the best thing ever. Uncle Mike helped me to see over all the tall people that stood up while the lights on the tree were turned on. Mummy and I are planning to go to the carols at the war memorial on Friday night and Mummy says if I'm a good girl Santa will probably come for a visit there too. You can see all the photos from the christmas tree lighting by clicking on the photo of Uncle Mike and I.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Today I met Santa, and I didnt cry, I thought Santa was just the greatest.
After we saw Santa mummy and I went out to Nan Rs house and we helped uncle Mike to make this cool christmas train.

Uncle Mike and Pop designed this part all by themselves.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home made Lamb and Veg

This afternoon mummy had a go at making me some baby moosh using her magic bullet and a reciepe she found on the internet. Mummy thought she did a good job but I beg to differ,