Jack and Aunty Bec came over this morning for a play. Molly absolutly loved chasing Jack around the backyard and inside. Jack was a big help keeping Molly and Oscar happy the whole time. Jack used the sqeeky horse toy to make Oscar happy while Mummy got his bottle ready.
After Aunty Bec and Jack left Molly and Oscar both had a nap and allowed mummy to cook the lasagna that we took to the farm for dinner. At the farm Molly ran around helping to feed the animals and pushing her new pram that she got from Nan and Pop Bemboka. Molly helped Uncle Mike and Pop move all the grain to the shed ready to feed the Chooks tomorrow. She was helped Pop move a chook to a new bed so she could sit on some eggs. Oscar just hung out then went back to sleep. Molly was awake the whole time at the farm then only fell asleep once we had gotten home and she was in the big bed having a cuddle with mummy. It really is a tough job being the big sister.
This past few weeks Molly has discovered that she can climb the slide and go down all by herself. She is just getting so big.
This last week it has been so beautiful and warm outside that we have spent most of the day outside only coming in to put Oscar to bed (if Molly hasnt rocked him to sleep in the swing first)she has become the biggest helper to mummy, 
After bathtime Molly likes to look after Oscar while I finish cleaning the bathroom and the dishes from dinner. She turns on a dvd and sits in her beanbag next to him and everytime he makes the slights noise she jumps up and comes to get me. She is such a good big sister.
After watching their dvd they are both so tired that they fall asleep and have both been sleeping through the night which makes for one extremely happy mummy.
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