Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

On Sunday Molly helped Aunty Ren, Nan B and mummy do the dishes. She is Getting to be such a big girl.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jack and Aunty Bec came over this morning for a play. Molly absolutly loved chasing Jack around the backyard and inside. Jack was a big help keeping Molly and Oscar happy the whole time. Jack used the sqeeky horse toy to make Oscar happy while Mummy got his bottle ready.
After Aunty Bec and Jack left Molly and Oscar both had a nap and allowed mummy to cook the lasagna that we took to the farm for dinner. At the farm Molly ran around helping to feed the animals and pushing her new pram that she got from Nan and Pop Bemboka. Molly helped Uncle Mike and Pop move all the grain to the shed ready to feed the Chooks tomorrow. She was helped Pop move a chook to a new bed so she could sit on some eggs. Oscar just hung out then went back to sleep. Molly was awake the whole time at the farm then only fell asleep once we had gotten home and she was in the big bed having a cuddle with mummy. It really is a tough job being the big sister.
This past few weeks Molly has discovered that she can climb the slide and go down all by herself. She is just getting so big.

This last week it has been so beautiful and warm outside that we have spent most of the day outside only coming in to put Oscar to bed (if Molly hasnt rocked him to sleep in the swing first)she has become the biggest helper to mummy,

After bathtime Molly likes to look after Oscar while I finish cleaning the bathroom and the dishes from dinner. She turns on a dvd and sits in her beanbag next to him and everytime he makes the slights noise she jumps up and comes to get me. She is such a good big sister.
After watching their dvd they are both so tired that they fall asleep and have both been sleeping through the night which makes for one extremely happy mummy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

To write Daniel a letter you have to address it as follows:

D.S.Kemmis 8558804

22 Pl,C Coy

1st Recruit Training Battalion
Blamey Barracks
Milpo Kapooka NSW 2661

Another week over

This past week has been a very busy week.

Natasha gave birth to Jacob Brett Smapson on the 12th. He is absoultly adorable.

Zoe came up for a visit but has to go home tomorrow, she has been a great help this past week. She allowed me time to myself even if I did waste it on sleeping, it was still nice. Both kids have had a cold but are slowly getting over it now. Not so much coughing, Thanks mum for the lend of a vapouriser for Oscar.

On Friday night Molly had a visit to the emergency room. She was running and jumping into her beanbag, unfortunatley she ran a bit over and collected the corner of the t.v unit. So 5 hours later we got home and you would never have picked that she had a concussion. She is a little clingy and tired at the moment but trying to sleep in the emergency room is a bit hard.

A huge thanks to Aunty Ren for driving us to the hospital and helping to calm mummys nerves a bit. Thanks for all your help with her at the hospital. Your the best!

Oscar has been a very good boy. He laughed for the first time this week after drooling all over Zoe. He has grown so much in the last few weeks. He has to go for his 2 month injections next week. He has learnt to babble back to Molly really well. The two of them talk to each other for hours. Im so glad that Molly loves him so much.

Dan is doing really well at Kapooka, He is getting over the 6am wake up calls. Still loving the 8 hours of sleep a night though. He is having a blast and cant wait to get out of there to see everyone.

Nan J and Aunty Lara same back home from their 3 week holiday overseas. They got in at 8am on Friday morning, safe, well and tired. 16 hours on a plane will do that. Aunty Lara was apparently an awesome travel companion. We hope to catch up with them soon.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Christmas List for the Kemmis's


  • Pretend Kitchen and Food
  • Pretend cleaning (iron, vaccum, broom etc)
  • Clothes in size 2
  • Sandpit toys
  • Hi-5 music Cds
  • A guitar (so she will leave daddys guitar hero guitar alone)


  • Size 00-0 clothes
  • Soft toys that make noise
  • Hanging toys for the car
  • Bubble blowing machine


  • Portable DVD player
  • Gift vouchers to Kmart, Big W
  • True Crime Books
  • Photo Frames


  • X Box games
  • T-shirts (size M)
  • Photo Printer
  • Gift vouchers to Kmart, Big W, Target

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day One is Over 79 to go

Today we had a quiet day. After we got up we went out to the farm and let the chooks out and started the fires, so that Nan R and Pop did come home to a completely frozen house. Then we came home and did some house work and Molly was a very good girl she packed away all her blocks by herself. We had bathtime and dinner then we played for a while again. Molly spoke to Dan on the phone for a few minutes and she just loved it. Molly has helped me all day. She has passed me Oscars nappies, shook his bottle, Passed me the wipes, gave him is dummy and lots and lots of cuddles. Molly has even helped to burp her brother even though he is very stubborn about burping. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful helper.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dan is away, after waking up at extra early and running out the door. We made it. He is finally in the Australian Army.

Good Luck to him.

I will also blog his progress as we get it each week so keep on eye out.