Friday, August 22, 2008
Yesterday I went to the clinic and got weighed I now weigh 3915grams and am 54 cm long. The midwife was very happy with my new weight again. Mummy was hoping for a little bit more but thats okay after we went to the doctor mummy and daddy took me for a really long walk around the block (2.7km), I slept for 2 hours when we got home. Mummy love it as she got to have a nice hot bubble bath. Mummy feels like a whole new person after her bubble bath. We all highly recommend a nice walk in the afternoon because baby sleeps for a while afterwards and mummy can enjoy some alone time. It also helps mummy destress and feel alittle refreshed.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friends for dinner
This is my friend Kody he and his family came over for coffee last night. 
This is Aunty lel, Uncle Dan, Kody and his big sister Astra having a group cuddle with me on the couch
Molly thought it was hilarious that mummy fell on the floor after missing the couch

We went to the clinic again to get Molly reweighed and her offical weight is 3715grams and she is 54cm long. Mummy and daddy are really happy with her weight gain and as you can see in the photo she just loved getting naked ready to be weighed.
We went to the clinic again to get Molly reweighed and her offical weight is 3715grams and she is 54cm long. Mummy and daddy are really happy with her weight gain and as you can see in the photo she just loved getting naked ready to be weighed.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Another day beings...
Well its been just under a week since we got Molly vaccinations and its been a long week. After her vaccinations she was unsettled and had a slight fever a big thank you to who ever invented baby panadol. We then stayed at home for a few days until Sunday when we went out to Nan R and Pops house for Aunty Becs birthday dinner (Molly really enjoyed the chicken and mushroom crepes). Aunty Bec brought us some baby formular so we can try and beef this light weight up. Thanks Aunty Bec. Molly took to the bottle like a duck to water. I felt a bit sad that I had to give her a comp feed of formular but I had to just remind myself that its to help her. She is going to the clinic after lunch today just to check how the weight gain is going. On Monday went went out to Nan R and Pops house for Uncle Mikes birthday. Uncle Mike used his new hotdog maker to cook us all hotdogs for dinner. Dan is at his first interveiw for the army today which is great and he got a new job at Woolworths (yippee discount on the groceries). We all went to Leslie and Kodys yesterday for a visit and Molly just loved sitting in Kodys swing, she loved talking to Kody to. They are so cute. I just love them both. I will put a photo of Kody up later after we go for lunch.
Oh well better go my break is over again Mummy duty calls (Screams)
Oh well better go my break is over again Mummy duty calls (Screams)
Friday, August 8, 2008
So not a good day
Today we went to the clinic and got our injections. I think I was more worried and upset then our daughter. I think the hardest part of being a mum was to have to sit in a chair while someone jabed a needle into my baby and make her cry, I just wanted to jump out of my seat and tell the nurse to stop hurting my baby. I had to keep telling myself that it was for her own good. The only side effect so far is she is really hungry and a little unsettled. I so don't want to repeat this day but I know I will have to...
But I have two months to build up to it again... right???
But I have two months to build up to it again... right???
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Oh what a feeling... ten mins to myself....
Well we are finally getting over the gastro bug that has been around our house. We have decided that we are going to be the parents that constantly get called by the school because Molly has beaten up some poor little kid. How we know this is that when we went to the shops the other day our percious little bundle made a three year old boy cry while we were changing her nappy, she made the little boy cry by pulling mean faces at him and then before mummy had the chance to move her she scratched him. Very embarrassing. On Thursday we have to go to the doctor for her two month injections, I can't believe that she is already two months. Then on Monday we have Uncle Mike and Aunty Becs birthday. I have put some of the new photos in an album in the slide show and will update with more photos later as my ten minutes of me time is up...
Oh what a life
Oh what a life
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