Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm 30 weeks

Hi everyone its just me again,

Well this is gonna be a quick update. I'm 30 weeks along now and its been a very eventful time.
I still like making mummy sick, but I think it was all the Easter chocolate that we both craved. Mummy took me over to the hospital on Thursday because I wasn't moving to much and she started getting cramps and bleeding. Mummy got to listen to my heart beat for 15 minutes while the doctors ran some tests. Daddy had to go to work so I decided I would play up. The doctors think mummy could have a virus that is going around and they told her to rest and keep her feet up, very difficult when I don't have that much room and she makes it smaller. Daddy is doing a wonderful job at making mummy eat and drink and gives us the best massages and makes us very happy. When mummy relaxes I do too. We can't wait for the baby shower because my to nannas' will finally get to meet. Daddy and the boys get to go and play golf for the afternoon while us girls talk and Gossip (I love gossip). For my 30 week birthday daddy brought me a c.d. with relaxing baby song on it, I can't wait to listen to it and not mummy's tummy rumbling. My bedroom is looking great. Thank You to everyone that has given mummy and daddy lots of things for me and my room. My favourite toy at the moment is the jumping castle papa and mama in Brisbane brought me. Mummy and daddy can't wait to have a go on my jumping castle. I can't wait for my cousin Jack to come over and play on it too. Jack and his mum and dad are in the USA for three months mummy is really missing them too. One more thing, when I was in hospital the other day I was measured and I'm only just able to fit into 0000 size clothes but nan R says they should still fit when I make my grand entrance. Mummy will keep my blog updated more often now. She promises.

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