Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Today we went for a drive around, We visited Yackandandah, then we went to Beechworth and had a horse and cart ride, the kids went nuts for it and hated the idea of having to get off. We then decided that we would go to another town before lunch. So we drove to Tallangatta and had a steak sandwich and chips in the park.

Now for a nanny nap and then out to dinner with friends. More photos from dinner later...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mollys Birthday Wish List

For her birthday Molly would like:

* size 2 Singlets
* size 2 dresses
* size 2 pants
* Beading Toys
* A table and Chairs for outside
* Wiggles DVDs
* Playschool DVDs
*size 2 socks and stockings

Saturday, April 24, 2010

This morning we got up extra early so that we could go and see Dan do his first offical duty, The ANZAC day march through Albury and Wodonga.

Sorry it for some reason turned itself side wards. While I uploaded it. Gggrrr Computers.... Dan is the 6th guy in the second group on the slide closest to the carmera.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blink and Youll miss it

Can't believe that I got this photo. Hope you all enjoy her true beauty.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oscar and Molly did some painting yesterday after playgroup. In the afternoon Unlce Marley (bob) came over for a play and visit. Oscar was very cheesy and Molly loved trying on his riding gloves. Still slightly big...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hide and Seek

Mollys new fav game....
Hey guys after numerous complaints that you cant see the kitchen, I have finally got the computer to accept the new video of the kitchen.

This is definatly the final one. hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Last piece of the house

Thanks everyone for watching our tour of the new house. Sorry some of the commentary is slightly dodgy but that happens. Our house is now open for visitors to drop in and have a cuppa. Just give us a call and we will be here.

Now to finish catching up on all the washing Daniel brought back....

More of the house

Baranduda House

This is some video of our first martial home. Sorry they are in pieces its just quicker for the poor computer to upload.
More photos to come of lounge back yard and main bedroom

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey we made it. Now just to finish the unpacking then its off to the shops to buy the groceries. Hopefully I can get it done soon. I will be putting up a video of the new home soon. Once the unpacking is finished and I find the video camera. Oscar and Molly are getting used to the new surrounds. Molly is much happier with her room now her wall stickers are up and she can see its her room. Oscar is still a bit funny about it. I thought he would be the one to cope with it better.

We will be getting a house phone tonight and internet too so that we can cam home.

I better keep going or I'll never finish.

Love and miss everyone back home.